| BSB Webpage Links | Fan-Fiction Links | Krystal Links | Other Links | Banners |
BSB Webpage Links
The Official Backstreet Boys Website-
The official BSB page has undergone a total 'makeover'. The site has been completely revamped, and it's looking great now.
This site has everything you can think of about the BSB. It's also the biggest fan-based website on the net.
Backstreet Millennium-
Really informative site with lots of great music clips, magazine articles, news and pictures.
I go to this site every single day in hopes of an update. You should check it out if you haven't already heard about it.
Bittersweet Delight-
A really really well done Canadian Backstreet Boys website. Serena has been working on her site for quite some time now..and the results are amazing. So what are ya waiting for??? CLICK THE LINK!
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Fan-Fiction Links
Backstreet Escapes-
My friend, Dani, runs this site. She's got this absolutely amazing story...well, trilogy. It's the Full of Grace trilogy, and if you have an open mind, you HAVE to read it..unless you already have. LOL. But in all seriousness, Danielle's an amazing writer and you've got to check out this site if you like fan-fic.
The Kat's Meow-
Kat's another friend of mine and she's an incredibly talented writer. She'll have you sit and scream at the computer monitor while you read her story...THAT'S how good she is.
The Perfect Fans Fan Fiction-
Whitney's a friend of mine too (are we seeing a trend here, LOL). She's got some absolutely positively AMAZING stories...you know, the kind that make you sit down and read the story in its entirety way into the wee hours of the morning, even if you have class/work/or some other obligation early the next day.
Eshey's Fan-Fiction Website-
Eshey's a friend of mine too. She's got some amazing fics on her site and a bunch of hosted fics that are really good. :)
Backstreet Romance-
This is Deb's fan-fiction site. There are plenty of fics to chose from, all of which are worth reading.
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Krystal Links
Krystal The Supergirl-
This is Krystal's official site. I think you should definitely check it out cuz it's a kick ass site.
Krystal Central-
A damn good site with all sorts of great info on Krystal.
Krystal Clear-
This is a support page for Krystal. It's a clique for fellow Krystal fans.
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Other Links
Northern Melanie C-
This is Ty's Melanie C website. It's an awesome site with tons of info on "Sporty Spice."
Net Executive-
You can find all kinds of nifty stuff on this site such as BSB screen savers and different kinds of E-greeting cards. I highly suggest you take a browse through this site!
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.:click it!:.
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